Friday, December 2, 2011
9am - 12pm
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Often when we are at NELIG events, we hear our colleagues discussing innovative activities they have done with classes at their school. Sometimes we might even watch a great conference presentation where a librarian describes an activity he or she has done with classes, but we don’t actually get to see our colleagues “in action.” The December NELIG Meeting was a great opportunity to watch some of our creative colleagues conduct activities that they run, or are planning to run, in their classes. Those of us in the audience acted as their college students. Through this experience we were reminded of what it is like to be sitting in the seat of the student and learn new teaching techniques and exercises from each other.

  • Bubble Over: Filter Bubbles, Internet Personalization, and You
    Sarah Faye Cohen, Andy Burkhardt, Michele Melia, Champlain College
  • Fake Hemmingway: Paraphrasing for Non-Native Speakers
    Nikki Krysak, Norwich University
  • Understanding plagiarism through case studies
    Rachel Pusateri, Green Mountain College

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