
About Journal

Portuguese Cultural Studies or PCS is a peer-reviewed, open access journal designed to promote interdisciplinary, theoretical and cultural studies focused on the countries of the Portuguese-speaking world and its diasporas. Its chief aim is to combine multiple theoretical perspectives in the humanities and the social sciences and to function as a medium for the exploration of complex topics across national and cultural boundaries.

Since Portuguese Cultural Studies or PCS was founded at the University of Utrecht in 2007 it has fostered open critical and theoretical discussions on a wide range of issues, which have impacted the Portuguese-speaking world, as manifested in its cultural productions. The Journal, through such dialogue, has been able to present different viewpoints on the issues of our time and to generate thoughtful and critical analyses about them. PCS, grounded on a platform that integrates interdisciplinary approaches from different disciplines, is committed to expand both critical and theoretical perspectives and open new paths beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. Thus, it promotes scholarship that investigates both traditional cultural manifestations and popular and/or marginal cultural artifacts, as it attempts to bring together a transnational understanding of cultural production and consumption. Furthermore, it strongly encourages research that engages with newly emergent theoretical and critical modes of inquiry.