Savdie, TonyCohen-Mitchell, Tim2024-04-262024-04-261997 useful resource guide for trainers and community activists discusses alternative currencies as part of creating alternative economic systems at the local level. The guide includes a case study of HOURS in Ithaca, New York and a discussion of the scripts and LETS alternative currency systems and their usefulness to community-development. The Tangu people of New Guinea have a word for what occurs between people when they temporarily suspend their sense of obligation to one another. It is mngwotngwotiki (pronounced nig-what-gwoh-teekee). This study of local currency systems counters too much mngwotngwotiki by offering a concrete way to develop a sense of care and mutual obligation that forms the cornerstone of healthy communities. In Local Currencies in Community Development, Savdie and Cohen-Mitchell have made an important contribution to the literature on local currency systems by clearly situating their study within the context of community development. An overview and history of alternative currency systems by clearly situating their study within the context of community development. An overview and history of alternative currency systems, along with an engaging case study of HOURS in Ithaca, New York and a look at related critical issues such as gender, poverty and ideological diversity make this book a valuable resource for practitioners and educators committed to community development from the ground up.Community development, local currencies, New Guinea, Hours IthacaLocal Currencies in Community Development or Too Much Mngwotngwotiki Is Bad For Youarticle