Seifried, Rebecca MGardner, Chelsea A.M.Seifried, RebeccaSeifried, Rebecca2024-04-262024-04-262021-01-01Seifried, Rebecca M. and Chelsea A.M. Gardner (2021). GIS data for mapping the Leigh Fermors’ journey through the southern Mani Peninsula, Greece, in 1951. [Data set]. ScholarWorks.<p>The README.txt can be found in the zipped data file.</p> <p>Rebecca Seifried: <a href="" title=""></a> Chelsea Gardner: <a href="" title=""></a></p>GIS data created by mapping Patrick (Paddy) and Joan Leigh Fermor's journey through the Mani peninsula in 1951. The zip file contains 6 layers (in GeoJSON format) that can be used to display least-cost models of portions of their route, the hikes we carried out to recreate them, and our final interpretation of their route from start to finish. writingleast-cost analysisgeographic information systemsgeospatiallandscape archaeologyArchaeological AnthropologyDigital HumanitiesGeographic Information SciencesHistoryGIS data for mapping the Leigh Fermors’ journey through the southern Mani Peninsula, Greece, in 1951DatasetRebecca Seifried: Chelsea Gardner: