Erdman, HarleyBilali, Judyie AlShabazz, AmilcarBaker, ChrisBayeza, Ifa2024-04-262024-04-262018-05May201810.7275/12428058 written portion of my thesis will document and codify how I as dramaturg, writer and director adapted and staged the classic Harlem Renaissance novel Infants of the Spring by Wallace Thurman. I walk the reader through how seeing as a director influenced my creative choices through key aspects of production: script development, design, and building the ensemble. The thesis will conclude with a post-production reflection and summary.ThurmanHarlem RenaissanceDirecting and AdaptingArts and HumanitiesClassicsCreative WritingHistoryRace, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial StudiesTheatre and Performance StudiesInfants of the Spring: Disrupting the NarrativeThesis (Open Access)N/A