Eustis, Jennifer M.2024-04-262024-04-262013-01-01 held three broad Data Management Best Practices Instruction for Graduate Students workshops covering an array of topics, taught by Library, Office for Sponsored Programs (OSP) and University IT (UITS) staff. 1) Started with the UMM Data Management Curriculum Framework to construct 2.5 hour workshop highlighting major topics of need for those handling research data. Content included: organization, storage, metadata, archiving, sharing data, and legal and ethical matters. 2) Collaborated with the OSP and UITS on content and as instructors in organizing, storage, sharing and legal sections. Library staff instructed in metadata and archiving, and co-instructed in organizing, storage and sharing. 3) Workshop included the head of UTS to talk about the University Governance Committee on Research & Scholarship. 4) Previewed a “ManagingData” listserv to support research data management questions and answers. 5) Based on feedback we reduced time and modified content, including less focus on policies and funders, reworking metadata section, adding more about storage. We more clearly delineated data security (during collection and analysis of data) versus data sharing (data set is finished and available.) Next steps include single issue workshops (storage, security or software) and discipline-specific trainings in consultation with disciplinary IT and faculty. managementbest practicesLifecycle of Data Management Best Practices Workshops at the University of Connecticutarticle0000-0001-6461-8625