Fletcher, R I2024-04-262024-04-261985https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/28502Such facilities as power-generating stations, public water systems, and ore-processing plants draw off large quantities of water from estuaries, coastal seawaters, lakes, and rivers. In turn, large numbers of fishes are often drawn into these pumped intake systems and killed if not otherwise removed or diverted. The large mortalities associated with many intake systems treated the perpetuation of indigenous stocks. The diversion and removal devices most commonly used for protecting fish life from such risks are presumed to operate on principles shown here to be erroneously conceived. In consequence of these faulty theories, the estimators and experimental designs of standard industry practice seldom reveal the true correlations necessary for improvements in fish conservation systems, nor do the assessments of small-scale experiments extend with reliability to full-scale system designs.designdiversion; estuaryfish diversionintakemortalitypump intakerisk analysisRisk Analysis for Fish Diversion Experiments: Pumped Intake Systemsarticle