Moore, Daniel S.Yasumiishi, Kip2024-04-262024-04-262013-06-27<p>Dan Moore has over thirty years of hydraulic engineering experience with analyses and designs for many types of projects. These have ranged from pumping and channel design for West Coast tidally affected urban areas, analysis of sediment movement on alluvial fans, watershed assessment of agricultural water quality problems, and stream restoration projects.</p>Natural fish passage channel design presents numerous challenges in the effort to restore anadromous fish habitat. Typical features include rock weirs which enable fish to jump from pool to pool, migrating around blockages such as dams. The Peoples Dam Fish Bypass Channel in Central Oregon serves as an example of a successful project, although monitoring of the completed work and subsequent channel adjustments were required. The initial design methodology is discussed, along with uncertainties, construction challenges, and adaptations. The project provides an excellent case study for future similar efforts.Concurrent Sessions D: Design and Performance of Roughened Channels - Rock Weir Fish Passage Challengesevent