Javier, Hazel Habito2024-04-262024-04-262012https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/48534previously providedThere were many studies done on local residents’ perception on tourism but only few scholars have embarked on an ethnographic study exploring local residents’ perception from a pre-tourism development phase. Most of the past studies focused on resident’s perception towards tourism impact and attitude towards expansion of tourism development (Mason & Cheyne, 2000; Harill, 2004; Lepp, 2008). The present study explores and reports on local residents’ perceptions prior to the beginning of tourism in an island community in the Philippines. Focusing on how the local people understand tourism within the context of pretourism development, the paper draws up a basic framework in which tourism planning and development should be anchored.local residents’ perceptionsethnographypre-tourism developmentBurdeosAn Ethnographic Evaluation of Local Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism in the PreTourism Phase: The Case of Burdeos, Philippinesevent