Poey Baro, Dionisio2024-04-262024-04-261994https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/7428On April 16,1893, Jose Marti's "Mi raza," appeared in the newspaper Patria; this issue also listed the results of the April 10th elections in which Marti was unanimously re-elected as a national delegate. This work, like Marti's other literature, is infused with an anti-racism shaped by his life experiences: listening as a young child to talk about the creation of man in God's image; seeing at the age of nine the hanging of a slave; knowing first-hand the vicissitudes of clandestine human cargo taken through inhospitable places, hidden from public view in the sugar plantations; working alongside and being lashed with slaves in the quarries."Race" and Anti-Racism in Jose Marti's "Mi Raza""Race" and Anti-Racism in Jose Marti's "Mi Raza"article