Hastings, Rachel2024-04-262020-08-26https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/44109In Cuzco Quechua there is a construction in which elements that typically appear noun phrase-internally may appear outside the noun phrase while receiving the same Casemarking as the noun. In this paper I look at the semantics and syntax of this discontinuous noun phrase construction. I argue that when an adjective or a quantifier appears outside the noun phrase it is also interpreted externally and not in a possible base position within the noun phrase itself. I adopt this analysis to explain data in which the discontinuous noun phrase is interpreted as necessarily indefinite. I also examine the behavior of an apparently exceptional universal quantifier sapa ‘each’ which cannot participate in the discontinuous construction. I explain this distribution of sapa, which differs from that of other universal quantifiers, by proposing that the basic use of sapa is as a quantifier over adverbial phrases.LinguisticsSemantics and PragmaticsThe semantics of discontinuous noun phrases in QuechuaThe semantics of discontinuous noun phrases in Quechuaarticle