Cahyanto, IgnatiusPennington-Gray, Lori2024-04-262024-04-262017<p><strong>Dr. Ignatius Cahyanto</strong> is an Assistant Professor at Black Hills State University in South Dakota. His research interest is centered around crisis management for the tourism industry. He is particularly interested in understanding tourists’ behavior in the event of crises.</p> <p><strong>Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray</strong> is the current Director of the Tourism Crisis Management Institute at the University of Florida. Her research primarily focuses on crisis management strategies for the tourism industry.</p>Oral Presentation, Ideas Fair (Visual Papers)Resilience is an umbrella concept with many different layers of meaning. While the concept of resilience is widely used in other disciplines, the discussion on resilience in tourism studies is developing scarcely. There is essentially no resilience framework that can be used to guide tourism destinations to measure the level of crisis resilience. To that end, the goal of this paper is to discuss and propose the conceptual framework of destination crisis resilience. This framework is intended as a starting point for a wider discussion of factors that contribute to destination resilience and consequently provides a groundwork to develop a toolkit of matrixes and approaches.Toward A Comprehensive Destination Crisis Resilience Frameworkevent