Carey, Dominique KikiLosch, CorrineHoward, RebeccaLight, EricaPurington, Stephanie2024-04-262016-08-012016-07-01<p>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial</p>In the face of climate change, overflowing landfills, water shortages, and exploitation of natural resources, it is becoming increasingly important to act in responsible and sustainable ways. Environmental sustainability is the intersection of social, economic and environmental solutions to address issues threatening the world we live in. Too often in our society, sustainability is not prioritized and becomes an afterthought. In this case study, we challenge students to explore ways to make our world more sustainable, bringing these important issues into the consciousness of the next generation. In this case study, students can choose the topic they wish to study and do original research. Students will then communicate their original conclusions outside the classroom. By creating their own research and having a product leave the classroom, students will be invested in their work and feel like they are contributing to the global conversation about sustainability. Recommended Citation: Carey, Dominique Kiki, Corrine Losch, Rebecca Howard, Erica Light, and Stephanie Purington. "Sustainability Scholarworks." Case Study Lesson Plans for Teachers., July 2016. Web. .Science and Mathematics EducationTeacher Education and Professional DevelopmentSustainabilityarticle