Elizabeth A. HarveyMaureen Perry-JenkinsLinda TroppThakar, Dhara Aniruddha2024-04-262024-04-262010-0910.7275/1663891https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/38692From 2001-2007, students from India have consistently comprised the largest ethnic group of international students on college campuses across the United States (Open Doors: Report on International Educational Exchange, 2007). Despite a number of studies that have researched the mental health of international students in the U.S., none have done so primarily with Indian graduate students. Theoretical and empirical literature regarding the psychological changes and acculturation patterns that international students undergo after their transition do not explore the possibility of multiple pathways of change. The current study identified four separate mental health trajectories for Indian international graduate students during their first year in the U.S. It also found three distinct patterns of acculturation for the Indian culture and four acculturation trajectories for the European American culture. The size of one's adjustment, feelings about transition, gender role attitudes, and availability of out-group support were all significant contributors to the variability among empirically derived mental health trajectories.AcculturationGender rolesGroup-Based Trajectory ModelingInternational StudentsMental HealthSocial SupportClinical PsychologyTrajectories of Mental Health and Acculturation Among First Year International Graduate Students From Indiadissertation