Zorzi, FlaviaSchávelzon, Daniel G.2024-04-262014-09-12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/1471The discovery of two smoking pipes from seventeenth-century contexts in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is used to suggest the presence in colonial times of a new set of stylistic norms derived from African traditions that are expressed at a regional scale not only in smoking pipes, but in a variety of items of material culture. These terracotta pipes, recovered at Bolívar 373 and the Liniers House sites, are characterized by their particular geometric decorative pattern, achieved by engravings and incisions. Similar specimens were found elsewhere in Buenos Aires, as well as in Cayastá (province of Santa Fe, Argentina) and Brazil.terracotta pipesSeventeenth centuryBuenos AiresAfrican American StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrican Languages and SocietiesAfrican StudiesAmerican Art and ArchitectureAmerican Material CultureAmerican StudiesAnthropologyArchaeological AnthropologyBiological and Physical AnthropologyFeminist, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesFolkloreHistoryHistory of Art, Architecture, and ArchaeologyOther American StudiesOther History of Art, Architecture, and ArchaeologyOther International and Area StudiesRace, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial StudiesSocial and Behavioral SciencesSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial HistoryWomen's StudiesTerracotta Pipes with Triangular EngravingsTerracotta pipes in Buenos Airesarticle