Ana ArreguiMirrazi, Zahra2024-04-262024-04-262023-022023-0210.7275/31234045 dissertation is concerned with the role of tense in bringing about the semantic and pragmatic differences in conditionals. Investigating the contribution of tense and aspect in Farsi conditionals, this dissertation expands the typology of temporal morphology in antecedents of conditionals. First, I make a novel observation that Farsi morphologically distinguishes between hypothetical and factual conditionals. Conditionals with zero tense in their antecedent require the truth of their antecedent to be unsettled in the context, and they yield hypothetical interpretation. Conditionals with present tense in their antecedent require the truth of their antecedent to be settled in the projected context set, and they yield factual interpretation. Second, I explore the pattern of Farsi X-marked conditionals (a.k.a., subjunctive or counterfactual conditionals). Like English and many other languages, the antecedent of X-marked conditionals in Farsi appears with past tense morphology. two properties in which X-marked conditionals in Farsi and English (two languages with the same X-marking strategy) vary: (i) the temporal orientation of antecedents, and (ii) the strength of antecedent falsity. After discussing the challenges such cross-linguistic variations raise for for mapping the form of X-marked conditionals to the meaning they contribute, I present a uniform past approach that can derive the interpretation of X-marked conditionals from the contribution of past tense to determining the domain of quantification (following the Stalnakerian insight), while keeping a unified semantics for past tense morphology.Tenseconditionalscounterfactualindicative conditionalssubjunctive conditionalsSemantics and PragmaticsTENSE IN CONDITIONALS: INS AND OUTSDissertation (Open Access)