Mullin, John2024-04-262024-04-261989-04-01 is an electronic version of an article published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Spring 1989 copyright The American Planning Association reprinted by permission of (Taylor & Francis Ltd, on behalf of The National Communication Association.; Journal of the American Planning Association is available online at planner assigned the responsibility of preparing a recovery plan for a community following a plant closing knows that frustration, heartbreak, and demoralization are all part of the process. The planner also knows that there is little comprehensive literature at either the national or regional levels to help guide the effort. Finding answers to such simple questions as (1) what do I do when the largest plant in town closes or, (2) what are the community's rights and obligations when a plant closes, often proves impossible. The answers to these questions are a bit closer thanks to the work of Paul Straudohar and Holly Brown, Deindustrialization and Plant Closure consists of 26 articles focusing on how the nation, states, and cities must come to grips with the problems of a rapidly changing industrial base.DeindustrializationEconomicsUrban Studies and PlanningBook review of Deindustrialization and Plant Closureother