Anderson, Samantha RDoan, Ngoc XuanBanoub, IvetteHannon, Keith WHall, Trudy MMiller, Irene EstelleO'Donnell, Colin NRookey, Amanda LynnXu, Yan2024-04-262024-04-262013-04-01<p>3rd Year MLA Graduate Studio: LANDARCH 604</p> <p>Project location: Springfield, MA</p> <p>Edited by:</p> <p>Frank Sleegers</p>This report summarizes the results of a seven-week design studio in our Landscape Architecture Program and engaged experts, stakeholders and medical students of the Memorial Square Neighborhood, in conjunction with planning officials from the Springfield Office of Planning and Economic Development. The project brought students and local export together in a supportive and constructive atmosphere of reciprocal learning. The proposals seek to connect the powerful economy of the medical sector with the rich culture of the North End to create a more balanced social and economic climate. More spatial, green connections of the hospitals with local businesses on Main Street together with exploration of market-rate housing can benefit the area and will result in long-term opportunities for current and future residents.Urban DesignLandscape ArchitectureGreen InfrastructureRevitalizationCommunity Service LearningPlanningSustainabilityHealthy LivingEnvironmental DesignLandscape ArchitectureUrban, Community and Regional PlanningThe Revitalization of Springfield’s North End - Envisioning New Housing and Places to Live, Work and Recreatearticle