Sutton, Jeffrey P.Gatton, RobertRude, Peter2024-04-262024-04-262013-06-25<p>Mr. Rude, P.E. has been with CH2M HILL for 23 years and has managed several fish screen design and construction efforts for irrigation districts on the Sacramento River over the last 15 years. B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Colorado State University and M.S. in Agricultural Engineering from University of Arizona.</p>The Red Bluff Fish Passage Improvement Project was a joint design and construction managment effort by the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation and CH2M HILL for the Tehama Colusa Canal Authority to allow up to 2,500 cfs of fish friendly water to be diverted from the Sacramento River to irrigate 150,000 acres of high value crops in three counties. Unique aspects of the fish screen structure included fish refuges and a sediment jetting sytem. The project recieved $114 million of stimulus funding and was operational by May 2012 to meet a Federal Court order.Concurrent Sessions C: Fish Screening at Water Diversions II - Red Bluff Fish Passage Project - Design & Construction Challenges for 2,500 CFS Fish Screenevent