John G. GibbonsAna CaicedoLi-Jun MaJeffrey BlanchardChacón-Vargas, Katherine2024-04-262024-04-262023-022023-0210.7275/33184239 with the agriculture and domestication revolution, humans have utilized bacteria, yeasts, and molds for millennia in the production of traditionally fermented foods and beverages. Fermentation is a very ancient practice of high relevance nowadays since it contributes with a great variety of foods worldwide. Microbial fermentation allows metabolic transformation of the raw food materials leading to biochemical changes that played a key role in food preservation, health benefits, nutrition, flavors, and texture, among others. Food fermentation practices could diverge from traditional artisanal spontaneous fermentation to industrialize methods with specialized microbial starters and although fermented environments tend to be very stable compared to a wild environment, microbial dynamics are variable and fluctuating in terms of function diversity and abundance. Additionally, the process of backslopping, the constant transfer of previous fermented material to new batches could led to microbial specialization to human-made environment causing microbes to undergo domestication where adapted lineages are genetically differentiated from wild species. The goal of my dissertation was to understand and evaluate genomic and functional changes in fermenting food microbes and understand the impact of selection in domesticated microbes.Attribution 4.0 International foodmicrobial domesticationphylogeneticsBioinformaticsBiologyFood ScienceGenomicsTHE GENOMIC DYNAMICS OF FERMENTED FOOD MICROBESDissertation (Open Access)