Joseph Cheney Bardinayata, metin2024-04-262024-04-262014-092014-0910.7275/6050627 performance of III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) has improved significantly over the past two decades. Today’s state of the art Indium Phosphide (InP) HBTs have a maximum frequency of oscillation greater than 800 GHz and have been used to realize an amplifier operating above 600 GHz . In comparison to silicon (Si) based devices, III-V HBTs have superior transport properties that enables a higher gain, higher speed, and noise performance, and much higher Johnson figure- of-merit . From this perspective, the InP HBT is one of the most promising candidates for high performance mixed signal electronic systems.InPHBTLNAModellingTransistorSmall-signal modellingElectronic Devices and Semiconductor ManufacturingNanotechnology FabricationOther Electrical and Computer EngineeringMillimeter Wave Indium Phosphide Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Noise Performance and Circuit ApplicationsthesisN/A