Bruce E. Wicks bew@illinois.eduStrzelecka, Marianna2024-04-262024-04-262011-01-08 rural areas of Poland the understanding of development as a participatory process supports local practice of democratic decision-making. LEADER program justifies activities of Local Action Groups, which enhance democratic practices in Poland.Local Action Groups (LAGs) have become distinguished organizations at the local level that engage partners from multiple localities. LAGs can influence local representatives (local leaders) participating in decision-making. The study was conducted in Pomerania, where rural stakeholders responded to initiatives toward tourism development because they understood that could benefit. Tourism development motivated stakeholders to become involved in investigated Local Action Group and LEADER program. LAGs that have been investigated have emerged around rural tourism development theme.The presentation discusses currently perceived features of LAGs that suggest the interactional character of these groups, and disadvantages of LAGs perceived by participating stakeholders.Travel and TourismRural TourismParticipatory developmentlocal democracyPolandRural Tourism and Community Empowerment: Practice of Local Democracy in Pomeraniaevent