Crick, Anne P.2024-04-262024-04-262011-07-29 third place is any place where people regularly meet for relaxation outside of home or work. Research on third places has been within the context of developed countries and ignores the differences that may occur in developing countries. This study looks at how Generation Y conceives of and uses third places in a developing country. It concludes that Generation Y is comfortable with multiple third places and with using virtual third places to complement or substitute for physical third places. Oldenburg’s conception of third places may therefore be less relevant to Generation Y. Recommendations for reaching this demographic are proposed.Leisure/Recreation Services Management and MarketingPlaceOldenburgStarbucksGeneration YDeveloping CountryVirtual CommunityRethinking Oldenburg: Third Places and Generation Y in a Developing Country ContextRethinking Third Placespap_con