Vamsicharan, Vakulabharanam ,Biswas, Arpita2025-01-082025-01-082024-0910.7275/55297 dissertation centralizes the role of space in critically exploring the processes of urban development in the global South. It does so by utilizing Soja’s (1980) framework of socio-spatial dialectic to examine the political-economic causes of dispossession and its effects on different classes and women. Using primary and secondary datasets – both quantitative and qualitative – from a developing-world city, Delhi, it develops a grounded understanding of the socio-spatial dialectic. The first essay delineates the nature of urban restructuring process undergone by Delhi in the neoliberal period and asks what the causes and consequences of such restructuring have been. It argues that a congruence of interests among the state, private capital, and urban professionals led to the widespread eviction of slum (henceforth, basti) dwellers. It finds that the poorest section of the working class has been rendered spatially estranged ix and poorer by the process, while the capitalist class has been bestowed with windfall gains through commodification of public land. The second essay aims to understand how displaced women’s market work decisions transformed as Delhi is reconfigured by neoliberal projects. It shows that labor force participation of women relocated to “resettlement colonies” (RCs) is significantly lower than that of women in bastis. Analyzing the reasons for this, the paper finds that these include fewer paid work opportunities that can be combined with household work, more daunting safety concerns outside the home, and a relative lack of community bonding and support networks in RCs as compared to bastis. Based on these findings, it makes a case for understanding bastis and RCs as differently gendered spaces. In recognizing social reproduction as a central axis of the study of dispossession, the third essay explores the impacts of displacement on women’s burden and capacities for social reproduction in Delhi. It shows that women displaced to RCs find it onerous to reproduce labor power and maintain familial and community relations. Through these, the essay visibilizes the strenuousness and vulnerabilities of displaced populace’s everyday lives and adds to our understanding of dispossession’s effects on life-making processes and how that in turn bolster capitalist system’s instabilities.Attribution 4.0 International, space, class, state, capital, gender, labor force participation, social reproduction, crises, global SouthDevelopment and Dispossession: Class and Gender Perspectives from Neoliberal Delhi, IndiaDissertation (Campus Access - 5 Years)