O'Leary, JKynard, B2024-04-262024-04-261983https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/29390Summary: Four objectives covered in this 1982 evaluation are: (1) monitor movements of radio-tagged American shad under experimental flow regimes to determine the minimum flow necessary to attract and maintain downrunning fish in the by-pass area, (2) make systematic counts of the number of American shad entering the by-pass collection box to estimate the total number of fish by-passed during the season, (3) determine the acute and delayed mortality rates of by-passed fish, and (4) use scanning sonar to estimate the relative density of adult American shad in the canal and determine how density, time of day, flow to Boatlock Station and light intensity affect the number of fish by-passed.adultAmerican shadbypasscanalConnecticut Riverdelayed mortalitydownstream fish passagefish passageflow regimesHolyokeHolyoke Damlight intensitiesmortalityNortheast Utilitiesradio tagsshadStudies of Downrunning Adult American Shad in the Holyoke Dam Canal System -1982 (Progress Report to Northeast Utilities Service Company)article