Orsborn, J F2024-04-262024-04-261986https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/29398Cover date = January 1986. Title page date = August 1985This summary report on BPA Project 82-14, Development of New Concepts in Fishladder Design, has been prepared for use by persons who may not be interested in many of the technical details of the other three parts of the total project report. A Short Glossary of Fishway Terms introduces the reader to some of the more commonly used terminology. A look at the most active periods of fishway research since 1938 leads into the Columbia River fisheries research program and its unique features. This is followed by a section on how this project developed to achieve two objectives: (1) apply more fundamental fluid and bio-mechanics to fishway design; and (2) work towards developing more cost effective fish passage facilities with primary application to small scale hydropower facilities.Bonneville DamColumbia Riverdesignfish ladderfish passageFisheries Researchfishway designhydraulicsHydropowermechanicsupstream migrationNew Concepts in Fish Ladder Design. Final Project Report Part 1 of 4 (Summary)article