Kyle JohnsonAlice HarrisEllen WoolfordJeremy HartmanErschler, David2024-04-262024-04-262018-092018-0910.7275/12727484 dissertation deals with the typology and analysis of several types of ellipsis that have received little or no attention so far in the literature. The theoretical goal of the dissertation is to propose analyses of sluicing and gapping that will be able to account for cross-linguistic variation in this domain. While the overall approach of the dissertation is typological, a particular focus is made upon data from Russian, Georgian (the South Caucasian language family), as well as Digor and Iron Ossetic (Iranian; Indo-European).syntaxellipsistypologygappingsluicingLinguisticsSyntaxTypological Linguistics and Linguistic DiversityTypology of bizarre ellipsis varietiesdissertation