Hollerbach, Kevin JChan, Jordan2024-04-262024-04-262016-01-01https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/44238Following the completion of a 14-week-long residential compost pilot program in North Apartment D at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, this review summarizes the proposition, implementation, and operation of the project. The success of this pilot provides the framework for the expansion of residential composting at UMass Amherst, resulting in higher trash diversion rates from residence halls, and encouraging students to reduce their environmental footprint both on and off campus. The demonstrated success for this pilot program and upcoming expanded pilot provides further justification for expansion across residential life, other University departments, or other institutions to participate in waste-reduction initiatives. The program also highlights the continued commitment by students, faculty, and staff to create a more sustainable UMass.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/compostnorth apartmentswaste reductionwastefood wasteumasssustainabilityresidential lifesustainable umassEco-RepEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Health and ProtectionOther Environmental SciencesSustainabilityNorth D Compost Pilot Semester Reportarticle