Vaugeois, Nicole L.Parker, PeteEvernden, NicholaSliskovic, Laurel2024-04-262024-04-262015<p>Nicole Vaugeois is the BC Regional Innovation Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development at Vancouver Island University and Co-Director of the World Leisure Centre of Excellence in Sustainability and Innovation. She works collaboratively with others to provide research support to guide the sustainable development of tourism in rural communities.</p> <p>Dr. Pete Parker has been a faculty member at VIU since 2012 and completed his doctorate in Parks and Tourism from the University of Florida. His research focuses on creating and sustaining healthy individuals, healthy communities and healthy environments in terrestrial and marine settings.</p> <p>Nichola Evernden has a Bachelor of Tourism Management degree from Vancouver Island University . Her research interests include agritourism, ecotourism, and the visitor experience. She currently works as a researcher for The Sociable Scientists Inc. where her focus has been on developing a model for community-based tourism market research.</p> <p>Laurel Sliskovic is owner, researcher, and facilitator with The Sociable Scientists Inc. She works with private businesses, public organizations, and special interest groups to promote quality of life, community development, and local tourism. She has 20 years of experience working in the tourism and recreation industries. </p>Oral PresentationDesigning systems for community based visitor data: A collaborative case study on Vancouver Islandevent