Kanter, JordanAmin, Pranav2024-04-262024-04-262023-052023-0510.7275/35407377https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/33011Music and architecture share a sacred bond across cultures. Their histories intertwine and together, they shape ritualistic, religious, and popular practices. As one of the few remaining avenues of universal transcendental experiences that have been so integral to humans, music’s ability to create ecstatic spaces is ever more necessary for the modern human. This thesis uses spatial, artificial intelligence, visual, and aural tools—while engaging in a dialogue between rationalist architecture and shamanic conceptions of spaces—to create an ecstatic space that seeks to reimagine the union of music and architecture. It reveals new ways in which this union can be experienced synonymously and utilizes novel approaches to design such a space.music and architectureecstatic spaceartificial intelligenceAI aided designshamanic conceptions of spacecymaticsAncient PhilosophyArchitectureArts and HumanitiesAudio Arts and AcousticsInteractive ArtsInterdisciplinary Arts and MediaModern Art and ArchitectureMusicologyOther MusicMusic As a Tool For Ecstatic Space DesignThesis (Open Access)https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5840-5567