Sharon RallisGrant, Megan D.2024-04-262024-04-262023-022023-0210.7275/33231208 dissertation involved a mixed method study on discipline practices in a single urban school district. This was a novel investigation that engaged stakeholders (administrators, teachers, school professionals, and students) to view, analyze, and interpret discipline data from their district and to explore the underlying causes of discipline outcomes. I found disproportionate discipline of students of color and disproportionate discipline for minor offenses. Stakeholders views resulted in a model in which social ecological systems drove the discipline system and undergirded the disparate and discriminatory practices. Interpretations of the findings are disciplineschool suspensionstudent perspectives of school disciplineculture and school disciplineinequity and school disciplineEducational LeadershipStakeholder Perspectives of School Discipline: A Social Ecological ExplorationDissertation (Open Access)