Mullin, JohnKotval, ZeniaMurray, Edward2024-04-262024-04-262002-04 has given permission to use the published pdf version for respsitory. Economic Development Journal is published quarterly by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 734 15th Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202-223-7800) ( IEDC is the premier organization for the economic development profession, providing a diversity of services including conferences, professional development, publications, research and advisory services, and legislative tracking.All our communities are striving for economic success. Political platforms are built on promises of economic prosperity. However, we rarely thoroughly measure this success. Across the country people are increasingly interested in ensuring that government expenditures are well spent. We can note this interest at all levels of government ranging from local to national scales. As well, accountability, in all of its manifestations, is a critical element of the "quality movement" that is becoming acculturated in both the private and public sectors. This article focuses on how local economic development officials can measure and evaluate their professional activities in a pragmatic manner.Infrastructure (Economics)Urban, Community and Regional PlanningUrban Studies and PlanningBenchmarking: Measurable Indicators of Economic SuccessarticleARRAY(0x55e483fc6478)