Quilter, Laura2024-04-262024-04-262015-01-01https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/4533<p>This fall, ACRL New England’s Scholarly Communication Interest Group is offering both a one- or two-day copyright workshop, in two different locations, taught by the New England Copyright Crew (NECC)! NECC includes Laura Quilter (Copyright and Information Policy Librarian, UMass Amherst), who spearheaded this approach last year at UMass, Kyle Courtney (Copyright Advisor, Harvard University), Ellen Finnie Duranceau (Program Manager, Scholarly Publishing, Copyright & Licensing, MIT Libraries), and Joan Emmet (Licensing & Copyright Librarian, Yale University).</p>Advanced Topics : Licensing, Negotiation, and Scholarly Communication (Dec. 2 Boston, Dec. 16 Amherst) Laura Quilter, UMass - Authors & Scholarly Communication. Includes an overview of copyright in relation to author contracts, a hands-on exercise reviewing an author publication agreement, and pointers about talking with authors about their publication agreements. This is a sample copyright transfer agreement from Wiley-Blackwell used for teaching purposes.sample author contractcopyright transfer agreementIntellectual Property LawLibrary and Information ScienceScholarly Communication2J Wiley-Blackwell Agreement (sample contract)article