Barbieri, Dr. CarlaSotomayor, MS, SandraAguilar, Dr. Francisco X.2024-04-262024-04-262011 providedThe Recreation Experience Preference (Driver, 1983) and Sustainable Development (WTO, 2004) frameworks are used to examine the perceived personal, socio-cultural, economic and environmental benefits associated with agritourism among metropolitan and non-metropolitan residents in Missouri (US). Results show that doing something with their family (personal), preserving natural resources and ecosystems (environmental), preserving rural heritage and traditions (socio-cultural), and revitalizing local economies (economic) are the most important benefits that agritourism provide to citizens and society. MANOVA tests show few significant differences on the perceived personal benefits and no differences on the perceived socio-cultural, environmental and economic benefits between metropolitan and non-metropolitan residents.BenefitsAgritourismMetropolitanNon-MetropolitanMissouriPerceived Benefits of Agritourism: A Comparison between Missouri Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Residentsarticle