Center for International Education2024-04-262024-04-262019-11-01<p>The seventh edition of <em>Dissertation Abstracts of the Center for International Education</em>covers the years 1969-2019 and replaces the sixth edition, which covered the years 1971-2008. This seventh edition was uploaded to ScholarWorks on 2019-09-10.</p>This is the Seventh Edition of the Dissertation Abstracts of the Center for International Education (CIE). It contains abstracts of all the doctoral dissertations completed by students actively involved in CIE from 1969 through the academic year ending in June 2019. The abstracts in this document reflect research in the fields of Development Education, Nonformal and Adult Education, Literacy, Community Development, and Global Education in both international and domestic contexts. The abstracts reflect the values that inform the research and the practice of the Center: the theory and practice of liberation, consciousness-raising, literacy and popular education, empowerment, social change, gender issues in education, an emphasis on qualitative, participatory and action research methodologies, and education in crisis and conflict situations. The emphasis on the human component of development reflects the ongoing commitment of CIE to study and implement educational processes which increase the learners' control over their lives. The abstracts are presented in chronological order based on dates of graduation and are numbered sequentially. Abstracts are indexed by the author's name in the Author Index, by geographic location of the research, and by topic in the Subject Index. To locate relevant abstracts search one or more of the indexes and then use the sequence number/s to find the desired abstract/s in the text. The full text of many of the dissertations is available free from ScholarWorks, a public, online digital library for scholarly publications from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Most the dissertations contained in this document can be accessed from the CIE section of Scholarworks ( A new section is included at the end of this document that includes abstracts of students who were affiliated with CIE beginning in 2019. These abstracts are numbered A1, A2, ...etc.EducationDissertation Abstracts 1969-2019article