Stupka, R CSharma, R K2024-04-262024-04-261977 of fish at cooling-water intakes of 32 power plants located on estuaries and coastal waters has been surveyed and data are presented. Descriptions of site, plant, and intake design and operation are provided. Reports in this volume summarize impingement data for individual plants in tabular and histogram formats. Information was available from differing sources such as the utilities themselves, public documents, regulatory agencies, and others. Thus, the extent of detail in the reports varies greatly from plant to plant. Histogram preparation involved an extrapolation procedure that has inadequacies. The reader is cautioned in the use of information presented in this volume to determine intake-design acceptability or intensity of impacts on ecosystems. No conclusions are presented herein; data comparisons are made in volume IV.designecosystemsestuaryimpingementintakepower plantsurveySurvey of Fish Impingement at Power Plants in the United States. Volume III: Estuaries and Coastal Watersarticle