Hao, HuiliLong, Patrick2024-04-262024-04-262010https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/48246previously providedThe purpose of this study is to explore factors influencing property owners’ attitude (both full time residents and second home property owners) toward sustainable actions in tourism development in an amenity-rich coastal community with a predominance of second home property owners. A total of 858 property owner respondents (466 permanent residents and 392 second home property owners) contributed to information about their perceptions on the importance of sustainable actions in tourism development and to future economy success in their community. Principal component analysis was used to identify the primary structural dimensions underlying the variables, as well as to avoid the effect of multicollinearity among independent variables. Factors influencing local resident property owners’ attitudes toward sustainable tourism development include gender and infrastructure, while only the quality of life factor is associated with second home property owners’ attitudes toward sustainable tourism development.sustainable tourismproperty owners attitudesustainable actionsamenity rich destinationssecond home economy.Measuring Property Owners’ Perceptions on Sustainable Tourism in a Coastal Resort Communityarticle