Aday, James BrianPhelan, Kelly Virginia2024-04-262024-04-262011-07-27 paper examines the relationships between 252 NBA fans in the Southwest region of the United States, their attitudes and feelings towards eco-sustainable travel practices, and environmental protection initiatives of NBA arenas. While tourists may indicate they are environmentally-conscious in their personal lives, research scrutinizing the extent to which these habits are applied during travel will be valuable to businesses seeking to identify themselves as eco-sustainable. Furthermore, this study will help to ascertain whether tourists seek out environmentally-friendly hotels and restaurants, or whether these entities are viewed as simply a convenience while traveling.TourismEco-SustainabilitySports TourismEnvironmental PreservationNBAResource ConsumptionRecyclingTourist Behavior“Green Hoops” a Hit, or Miss? An Examination of Eco-Sustainability of NBA Arenas as an Attendance Motivator for FansAn Examination of Eco-Sustainability of NBA Arenas as an Attendance Motivator for Fanspap_con