Sally PowersM. Christine KingJerrold MeyerBent, Eileen Katherine2024-04-262024-04-262010-0910.7275/1672312 work has linked self-injurious behavior (SIB) to a history of traumatic experiences and to problems regulating affect. While this affect dysregulation is conceptualized as occurring at a biological (as well as a behavioral) level, relatively little is known about the biological mechanisms involved. The current study explored whether reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to an interpersonal stressor mediated the relation between trauma and SIB in a sample of 178 18-21 year-old heterosexual dating couples. As predicted, both trauma experience and symptoms positively predicted SIB. While the mediating model was not supported, SIB was associated with an HPA axis response marked by heightened reactivity to interpersonal stress within the context of lower cortisol levels. Trauma symptoms and experience interacted with adult attachment security to predict HPA axis response in different ways for men and women, a compelling set of findings suggesting the importance of contextual factors in the study of trauma and HPA axis function. Future directions for the study of trauma, HPA axis reactivity, and SIB are attachmentcortisolHPA axisself-injurious behaviortraumaClinical PsychologyPsychologyAn Examination of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Reactivity as a Partial Mediator of the Relation Between Trauma and Self-injurious Behaviordissertation