Murangi, Vekaama Heroldt2024-04-262024-04-261997 study was undertaken in Namibia, to determine causes for student dropouts m continuing education face-to-face centers. The utilized sample in the study consisted of one hundred and seventy learners (including both current & non-continuing learners), and sixty tutors. In this context, dropout refers to those students enrolling for a course (Grade 10, Standard 10) at face-to-face centers and discontinuing their studies before completing the entire course. It is required from all learners to attend classes regularly before they can sit for the final external examination taking place annually in October or November. Chapter 1 of the study gives a general overview of the dropout problem as it occurs in many nonformal educational settings, and specifically to the context in Namibia. In addition, the chapter includes the research questions which guided the study, and defines a few terms consistently used in the study. Chapter 2 of the study gives a synopsis of the historical background of programs aimed at improving or supplementing the educational qualifications of students during the period pre- and post-independence, 1990. In dealing with the historical background literature specifically on the activities of the Namibian Extension Unit, the Council of Churches in Namibia, and the former and current government education systems is reviewed. Furthermore, the study reviews literature on the theoretical models on student attrition developed by other researchers. Chapter 3 of the study outlines the research process, emphasizing the data gathering instruments used in the study. Interviews, observation, and questionnaires were used in collecting data. Chapter 4 investigates reasons for persisting or discontinuing studies. The section reveals the differences and similarities reported by current and non-continuing students. Tutors' perceptions of the program and why learners discontinue their studies also form major part of the chapteL The final chapter attempts to recommend practical intervention strategies which might respond to the needs of the students. As there are many reasons for dropping out, multiple prevention strategies are suggested.StudentsDropoutContinuing EducationAdultsNamibiaNamibianCase StudyAdult and Continuing Education and TeachingBilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural EducationDisability and Equity in EducationEducational Assessment, Evaluation, and ResearchEducational MethodsEducational PsychologyEducation EconomicsOther EducationStudents’ Dropout in Continuing Education: A Namibian Case Studyopenaccess