Bethune, EleciaBuhalis, D DimitriosMiles, Lee2024-04-262024-04-262021<p><strong>Elecia Bethune</strong> is a PhD Candidate at the Bournemouth University Business School. Her research on Tourism Destination Resilience resides within the Departments of Marketing Innovation and Strategy and the BU Disaster Management Centre. She has a keen interest in matters of governance with a focus on Strategic Management.</p> <p><strong>Professor Dimitrios Buhalis</strong> is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in ICT, Smart Environments and Interactive Marketing in Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. He is Editor in Chief of Tourism Review, Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University Business School.</p> <p><strong>Professor Lee Miles </strong>is a Professor of Crisis and Disaster Management in the BU Disaster Management Centre (BUDMC). His research, and training expertise includes International Crisis and Disaster Management. His current research examines regional crisis diplomacy and emergency responses to crises and disasters in the age of resilience. Lee's work extends to international projects focused on improving disaster management in Africa and the Caribbean.</p> <p><strong><br /></strong></p>The sustainability and competitive advantage of a destination must be extended to the standard of the resilience within the destination. Tourism, a “complex business ecosystem” must collectively manage their inherent vulnerabilities to crisis and disasters. This paper contributes to tourism literature by demonstrating the potential of smartness to increase destination resilience through value co-creation for all stakeholders through their real time responsiveness to crisis and disasters, ultimately strengthening resilience. Secondary research was conducted using a multi-disciplinary approach to understand the tenets that were key in the development of the core concepts of the research. Value co-creation within tourism has been primarily restricted to the consumer organization relationship. The discussion, however, must be elevated and reflected in the internal destination systems and processes to enhance the traveller experience, safety and security, which, ulimately, is value for all. Value co-creation is one of the inherent elements and outcomes of the Real Time Resilience and augers well for all stakeholders as it capitalizes on smartness to enhance decision making during crisis and disasters.VALUE CO-CREATION ENHANCING DESTINATION RESILIENCE THROUGH SMARTNESS.event