Center for International Education2024-04-262024-04-261972<p>Many of the sources listed int his paper have only a title, number and the ERIC in ( ). ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is an information system sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education and operated through a series of clearinghouses coordinated by a central office in Washington, D.C. The complete texts of most ERIC documents are available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service in either microfiche (a piece of celluloid film) or a hard copy. Most major libraries maintain a complete collection of ERIC microfiches. Eric has one specialized collection that may be of interest to readers of this document: Pacesetters in Innovation is available from he U.S. Government Printing Office.</p>The Center for International Education was formed in 1968 as part of the total reorganization of the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts under the Leadership of Dwight W. Allen. The School of Education considered International Education a relevant focus for the problem of communication between cultures, the challenge of internationalize American school curricula, and the concern for devising viable educational alternatives for the less developed countries. In pursuit of this third goal, interest in the Center has been focused recently on alternatives to formal schooling. The Center includes faculty and advanced doctoral candidates who are interested in the exploration and implementation of such alternatives, and who view them as not only practical but essential to the future growth of educational opportunity for the mass of the world's population.Alternative EducationInternationalizing US educationNon-formal Alternatives to Schooling: a Glossary of Education Methodsarticle