Carr, BayleeBesancon, ThierrySchiffhauer, Dan2024-04-262024-04-262017-08-29 New Jersey produced 27 million kg of cranberries in 2015 at a farm value of $22 million (USDA 2017). Cranberry beds in New Jersey are concentrated in the Pine Barrens coastal plain where soil conditions (sandy texture, pH 4.0 to 5.0, good drainage) are optimal for cranberry production. The perennial nature of cranberry production predisposes the crop to a diversity of weed species ranging from herbaceous weeds to woody perennial species. Among perennial weed species, Carolina redroot has been an increasing source of concern for New Jersey cranberry growers regarding the lack of sufficient control from their current management strategies. Carolina redroot is a perennial herbaceous monocotyledonous species member of the Haemodoraceae family whose common name is derived from the orange to red coloration of its roots and rhizome. Information regarding herbicidal control of Carolina redroot is extremely limited and mostly restricted to blueberry production (Myers et al. 2013). In order to address the issues of successfully managing Carolina redroot under extremely specific environmental and cropping conditions, a study was initiated in the spring of 2017 to evaluate the efficiency of three herbicides at different rates for preemergence control of Carolina redroot. A complete lack of control in the twelve weeks that followed the application was noted for the plants that were treated with Norflurazon at 560, 1,120, 2,240, and 4,480 g ai ha-1. Control of Carolina redroot with napropamide applied at 6,720 g ai ha-1 was 74% 28 days after treatment (DAT) and increased to 78% at 83 DAT. Greater control was achieved early in the season with dichlobenil applied at 2,240 or 4,480 g ai ha-1 with 90 and 99% control, respectively, at 28 DAT. However, control with dichlobenil declined between 28 and 83 DAT. Carolina redroot density in the nontreated plots reached 430 plants m-2 56 DAT but was reduced to 275 plants m-2 with napropamide, 95 plants m-2 with dichlobenil at 2,240 g ai ha-1, and 70 plants m-2 with dichlobenil at 4,480 g ai ha-1. Significant damages to the cranberry crop were noted with dichlobenil at 4,480 g ai ha-1, mostly in the form of chlorosis early in the season (19% at 40 DAT) and stunting later (15% at 83 DAT).AgricultureControl of Carolina redroot (Lachnanthes caroliana) in cranberry with preemergence herbicidesevent