Sink, ChristopherStroh, Heather2024-04-262024-04-262003-01-01 Sink and Heather Stroh have authored Improving Academic Achievement in Primary Students Through a Systematic Approach to Guidance and Counseling. This monograph, which is published by the Washington School Research Center, reports the results of a statewide study of the impact of Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling programs on elementary students’ academic achievement. WSRC is an independent research and data analysis center within Seattle Pacific University. The Center’s mission is to conduct sound and objective research on student learning in the public schools, and to make the research findings available for educators, policy makers, and the general public for use in the improvement of schools.GuidanceCounselingAcademic AchievementImproving Academic Achievement in Primary Students Through a Systemic Approach to Guidance and Counselingarticle