Johnson, Dana N2024-04-262024-04-262012-01-01<p>This report was published as a scholar research brief for IREX, funder of the Serbian portion of this multi-sited project. A fuller analysis of the research I conducted as part of the CHESS program can be found in my MA thesis, also published as <em>Rewriting the Balkans: Memory, Historiography, and the Making of a European Citizenry </em>(see Dissertations and Theses based on CHESS-Sponsored Research).</p>This research explored the work of historians, history teachers, and NGO employees engaged in regional initiatives to mitigate the influence of enduring ethnocentric national histories in the Balkans. In conducting an ethnography of the development and dissemination of such initiatives in Serbia, I queried how “multiperspectivity” is understood as a pedagogical approach and a tool of reconciliation, how conflict and controversy are negotiated in developing alternative educational materials, and how the interests of civil society intersect with those of the state and supranational actors. My research sought to interrogate the field of power in which such attempts to innovate history education occur, and the values by which these efforts seek and gain acceptance or are marginalized. the Balkans: Memory, Historiography, and the Making of a European Citizenryarticle