Lehnigk, KarinLarsen, Isaac2024-04-262024-04-262021-01-01Lehnigk, Karin and Larsen, Isaac, "Data for 'Pleistocene megaflood discharge in Grand Coulee, Channeled Scabland, USA'" (2021). Data and Datasets. https://doi.org/10.7275/j72g-rx5510.7275/j72g-rx55https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/10629<p>Users must be logged into Globus (<a href="https://www.globus.org/" title="https://www.globus.org/">https://www.globus.org/</a>) to access this open data. Globus supports multiple sign on methods, including Google OAuth, CILogin, etc.</p> <p>The README file can be found with the rest of the data in Globus.</p>This is the data repository associated with the manuscript 'Pleistocene megaflood discharge in Grand Coulee, Channeled Scabland, USA,' containing all code, input files, and output files relevant to the project. Details about the content of the data repository can be found in the readme.txt file located in the repository.Missoula floodsChanneled ScablandGrand Couleefluvial bedrock erosionglacial lake outburst floodshydraulic modelingData for "Pleistocene megaflood discharge in Grand Coulee, Channeled Scabland, USA"Dataset