Hammond, KellyLi, RowenaKresh, Sarah2024-04-262024-04-262023-04-04https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/37226<ul id="x-x-x-docs-internal-guid-414b6930-7fff-3274-e540-5b84454e2561"> <li> <p>Identify some of the many reasons to create a locally owned version of an externally hosted OER resource</p> </li> <li> <p>Consider using open book creation platforms to replicate an interactive OER textbook</p> </li> <li> <p>Anticipate opportunities and pitfalls in replicating and sustaining OER</p> </li> </ul>Intermediate<p><strong>Kelly Hammond</strong> is currently supporting OER, Open Pedagogy, and instructional technology initiatives at CUNY’s School of Professional Studies. She serves on the editorial collective of the <a href="https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/">Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy</a>, editing “Teaching Fails” and project managing the platform move from Wordpress to Manifold, starting with the launch of Issue 21 on <a href="https://cuny.manifoldapp.org/projects/journal-of-interactive-technology-and-pedagogy-no-21">OER</a>. She earned her master’s degree in Digital Humanities from CUNY’s Graduate Center. As the former Director of Digital Pedagogy at the Chapin School in New York, Kelly is also interested in facilitating collaboration around OER and open pedagogy within the small but growing number of DH practitioners in K–12 environments.</p> <p><strong>Rowena Li</strong> is a part-time college assistant in the Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology at the School of Professional Studies/CUNY. She worked as an adjunct assistant professor and a special project coordinator at Queens College/CUNY and as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Li received her doctoral degree in information science from the University of North Texas and her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from Queens College/CUNY, she is also working full-time at Bayside High School in New York as a school media specialist.</p> <p><strong>Sarah Kresh</strong> is a Faculty Development and Instructional Design Manager at the CUNY School of Professional Studies Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology. Her work focuses on faculty development for fully online teaching and learning and OER and Open Pedagogy projects at SPS. She is a recipient of the OE Global Emerging Leader for 2022.</p>In this session geared for intermediate and advanced OER users, we will share the three phases of a project to replicate and sustain an externally hosted, highly interactive, and simulations-rich OER textbook: our motivation to embark on the Pressbooks project, the process of replicating the interactive components and simulations using H5P and GitHub Pages respectively, and the realization of the possibilities for greater OER and Open Pedagogy practice once the project was built out. In addition to greeting participants with a poll on their reliance on externally hosted OER, we will ask participants to share their experiences and contribute to our growing checklist for OER sustainability: a collaborative tool we can all use to identify OER that benefits from local hosting, to promote best practices as OER are replicated and reshared, and to identify open practice and open pedagogy opportunities of replicated OER. We will, of course, encourage participants to adapt or adopt our version of the textbook, now that we’ve ensured that the text, interactive components, and simulations are now fully replicable and adaptable for all.As OER textbook adoption becomes the norm and faculty become reliant on course materials hosted on external platforms, the question of sustainability and the technicalities of adaptability become more critical. The launch of the CUNY Pressbooks Network allowed our team to secure the sustainability of a highly interactive, simulation-rich OER textbook in use by our faculty, Concepts in Statistics, an OER textbook created by the Open Learning Initiative and enriched and hosted by Lumen Learning. In this presentation, we address the affordances and drawbacks of Pressbooks, H5P, and GitHub Pages as our project’s open solutions. We also discuss opportunities and challenges regarding labor, domain expertise, platform choice, and accessibility. Finally, we’ll share the product and our hopes for open practice and pedagogy. Participants will be invited to share their own sustainability challenges and solutions and add to our sustainability checklist for OER adopters and adaptors.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/Turning Reliance into Reliability: A Pressbooks and H5P project to replicate an interactive, simulations-rich OER textbookpresentation