Odeh, M2024-04-262024-04-261993https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14394/28798Fishways are hydraulic structures that assist migrating fish in overcoming obstacles blocking their way to spawning, feeding or other habitat. Fishways can be divided into three types: Pool and Weir, Vertical Slot and Denil. An Alaska steeppass fishway is a denil-type fishway developed by G.L. Ziemer in 1962 - essentially a straight rectangular channel with baffles placed on its sides and bottom. In our study, we used the Model A40.baffleschanneldenilhabitathydraulicsmigrationmodelspoolpool and weirpool typerating curvesslopespawningsteeppassstructuresvertical slotweirweir typeHydraulics of Alaska Steeppass Fishway Model A40article