An Eyetracking Study on Online Hotel Decision Making: The Effects of Images and umber of Options

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Abstract (150 Words)

Proving a satisfactory online hotel booking experience within limited space on web pages demands a thorough understanding of travelers’ online decision-making behavior. This study investigates how images and number of hotel options displayed on a web page can affect consumers’ decision-making process. Results show that when images were present, the participants spent more time evaluating each hotel option and viewed more hotel options. However, the participants spent less time evaluating each hotel option in the presentation mode featuring more options. Images help to reduce cognitive load and thus allow travelers to view more hotel options and in more depth. The set of 20 hotels are overwhelming to the decision makers.


An Eyetracking Study on Online Hotel Decision Making: The Effects of Images and umber of Options

Proving a satisfactory online hotel booking experience within limited space on web pages demands a thorough understanding of travelers’ online decision-making behavior. This study investigates how images and number of hotel options displayed on a web page can affect consumers’ decision-making process. Results show that when images were present, the participants spent more time evaluating each hotel option and viewed more hotel options. However, the participants spent less time evaluating each hotel option in the presentation mode featuring more options. Images help to reduce cognitive load and thus allow travelers to view more hotel options and in more depth. The set of 20 hotels are overwhelming to the decision makers.