Abstract (150 Words)

To overcome the shortcoming within the traditional micro-model and incorporate tourists’ multi-destination movement, this paper proposes an alternative two-stage micro-model of tourists’ multi-destination travel. In the first stage, tourists in a destination decide whether to go to the next destination or terminate traveling by returning home, while in the second stage, those opting to continue must then choose the second destination. By comparing the sign and magnitude of several configuration parameters embedded in the model, the empirical results confirmed different traveling patterns of tourists with different motivation. Finally, several implications are provided for tourism marketing strategies and tactics.



A Two-stage Model of Tourists’ Multi-destination Movement

To overcome the shortcoming within the traditional micro-model and incorporate tourists’ multi-destination movement, this paper proposes an alternative two-stage micro-model of tourists’ multi-destination travel. In the first stage, tourists in a destination decide whether to go to the next destination or terminate traveling by returning home, while in the second stage, those opting to continue must then choose the second destination. By comparing the sign and magnitude of several configuration parameters embedded in the model, the empirical results confirmed different traveling patterns of tourists with different motivation. Finally, several implications are provided for tourism marketing strategies and tactics.